chasing replies regarding my wedding is the worst feeling ever. disappointments and all and at the end of the day. there's not much help at all. when i broke down and told him... "hey it's tough... " he hugs me though and says..."well people will know when it's their turn to get married and the awful load of work to do and there's no one willing to pro-actively wanna help..."
some people made it feels like... it's being imposed on them. they whine. or they always talk about themselves. as though the spot light is still shinning on them forever. im beginning to think that people just want to complain. i had a reply "i dont know anybody there..."
may i quote from (
Did you get that? It's not an imposition on *anyone.* And let me tell you why. It's not because your guests will have fun at your wedding (though, duh, they will), it's because your guests are grown-ass people. They are GROWN UPS. If your wedding is too expensive, or too far away, or just too much of a bother? They won't come. If you're lucky, they'll be very kind when they tell you about it. If you're not lucky? Then you didn't want them there anyway (try to remember that mid-sob, it was hard for me.)
"This is what I have learned: The people who love you and care about you will not feel like your wedding is a burden or an imposition. They will be thrilled that out of all of the people you could have invited, you want THEM. The (editors note: FEW) people who do feel burdened -- eh. You are always going to have someone who isn't satisfied.*"Read more:
The people that were there, were the people that were supposed to be there. The people that had a good time were the people that were genuinely happy to be a part of our marriage and understood that the clebration was not about them. That we would do our best to see and talk with them, but that there other people to laugh and dance with too.
my notes:
it's been a tough week with work. invitations mostly sent out. char will be accompanying me this sat to deliver the rest to ex-office. *touched* <3 and surpringly on the brighter note, there's a whole lot of people who will be coming to give their blessings on my wedding. thrilled* i know there are people who really wanna be there and they cant. merci~ for all the wonderful support.