Dearest all, (we are sober now*)To all who made it to our wedding (Family & Friends & Colleagues):THANK YOU for being a part of our wedding yest; for being a part of our first big step together. Words cannot express the joy that we feel surrounded by the people we love<3. Thank you for taking a day of your life to be here for us. for the gifts and cutest blessings written on the angbaos. Your support & friendship made this celebration of love we will cherish forever.
To my sweethearts (Kaihong, Shareen, Joo, Charmaine, CCF, Mr & Mrs Dodwell) who wrote cards for us, for me: I *teared*
To friends who were unable to attend the wedding yet delivered the gifts & angbaos (Isaac, Sheena, Sue, Kak Kak, Livia, David, JiaHui) : ThANK YOU so much for the generous gift and thoughtfulness. We truly missed you on our special day and look forward to meeting u all again some time for coffee or tea or any gatherings with mr and mrs pen*. *hearts*
To my jie meis & xiong di (Sherry, Eui Eng, Lishan, Irene CCF, SoonPoh, Kai Hong, Kok Kin, Ser Han, Alan, Jackson): You guys are the BEST.... I can only say.... this wedding is not just about the two of us. It's about "US" and all of you are just part of our lives that we can't do it without you all!! You get it? :) *through thick and thin* I know you all really sayang* us to the max :))))))
To my hotest babes (KJ, Sam, Shery, Eui Eng, Charmaine, Yen): Thank you KJ & Sam for getting the table, for organizing a great hens night for me... & all of you who came and supported me like my sisters*
Finally... Thank you to our family who willingly helped, tolerating me and my nonsense at all times without complains.
It's been stressful and I always think "oh no... oh no" & then hey* it's over and we had so much fun and laughters. I know we will remember this day for a lifetime and every anniversary, we will celebrate the memory of this day, and all of the wonderful people who made it so special. Our gratitude is deep deep in our hearts.
Yours truly, love, Young & Kalyn :)